388/389 Short Hood (123" BBC)

Browse our selection of 388/389 Short Hood (123" BBC)
For 2015+ Peterbilt 389 models, a change has taken place with the renaming of the former 388. Our catalog refers to a 388, which is the NEW 389 Short Hood. The 389’s referred to in our catalog are the NEW 389 Long Hood. When ordering parts, please use the 388 numbers for the NEW 389 Short Hoods and the 389 parts for the NEW 389 Long Hood.
The two major differences between a 388 (389 short hood) and a 389 are:
• Lower hood panel is narrow on a 388. The hood is shorter and this is the area that is affected the most;
• The step sits much higher on a 389. 388’s can fit a 3” wide panel with some gap;
• 2009-2013 389’s use a 2.5” width panel and have a finger width below them;
• 2014-2017 can only fit a 1.75” wide panel with the same width gap.
***Also note the exhaust location. The exhaust comes out of the top of the step on a 388 and behind it on a 389. This is because the step sits further forward on a 389. The hood extension panel is also significantly more narrow.***
The angle on the hood extension panel is different as well. The 389 sticks out further forward and if used on a 388, could potentially hit the hood.
The height of the cab to the bottom of the hood is also different. Because of this, the panels cannot be used on a different truck without a custom mount.
• A 389 is 24.25” from the bottom of the cab to the bottom of the hood.
• A 388 is 26” from the bottom of the cab to the bottom of the hood.